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Save Our Schools is committed to empowering parents, teachers, administrators, and the community to foster K-12 academic excellence for all of our children.  SOS believes that the K-12 curricula should be rigorously grounded in the core subjects as well as in the founding principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: liberty, justice, and equality for all. We contend that our children should be taught how and why the U.S. is the largest, most free and successful multiracial society in human history; we also affirm that students should learn, and to a great extent already have been learning, the truth about racial injustice in our nation.  Our intention is to exclude from the curricula any content based on the destructive, race-based Marxist premise that the U.S. and all white people are inherently racist, and that students should be re-educated to view themselves as either oppressed or oppressor. We, therefore, oppose the current obsessive push by school administrators, without transparency and the support of the community at large, to impose curricula based on the following radical theories: Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI), and Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework (CR-S), in all of their various forms.

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